Yesterday I said, "don't think of this blog as a documentary, think of it more like a memoir," or some shit like that... well, I wrote down a lot of my experiences (what I was planning on writing here) in my journal - that's right, the old pen and paper (I'm a dinosaur like that in some respects). Thus, I will begin transcribing some of those entries after tomorrow's regularly scheduled post, and then I'm going to go into a little bit of what I have learned about creating the fictional dream (something I planned to write about back around the 18th of November... but didn't happen).
Okay, good night! =^)
I'm the guy who moved your cheese! Bwah-ha-ha!!! Oh yeah, and I write stories and stuff... Nothing published yet, but perhaps that will change down the road.
About Me

- Mr. G
- Dan Garcia resides in San Antonio, Texas, in a household ruled by a dog and a cat. These benign overlords allow Garcia, his wife, and two daughters to live with them so long as they are served unquestioningly. The dog and cat compel Garcia to write stories of imaginative fiction and fantasy; their rationale being: the potential for supplementary income from the sale of these stories means the possibility of more treats and toys for them. Thus, when not at work at the San Antonio Public Library, Garcia is permitted to craft his tales despite the fact that this activity limits his availability for scratching and petting. Hell-Kind is Garcia’s first novel which he was allowed to type because of his opposable thumbs and agile digits; the dog and cat did all of the actual heavy-lifting for the story, and are not particularly concerned with receiving credit for the book.
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